I know that now you need help or some information that can change the quality of your life
Elena Vasileva
I help those who are tired of suffering or just want to get their life back to norma
Since 2014, I have been working as a practical psychologist
I have experience in solving complicated requests from different spheres of life.

15 years of entrepreneurial experience
I own an operating company, and understand the specifics of the requests and problems that entrepreneurs, business owners, managers and employees have
I consult in Russian and in English
I take into account not only the request, but also the mentality.
Full member of the Russian League of Psychotherapists
the quality of education and services is recognized by Russian and foreign colleagues.

Practical psychologist, a leading trainings and seminars
Center for practical psychology. Analytical and statistical research. Online and offline educational training events. Continuing education and advanced training courses from proficient trainers.
Psychological project "Norma" under the leadership of O. V. Lekontsev
How can I help?
Every person is unique. During many years of consulting, I have faced a huge number of difficult situations that required non-standard solutions. We have solved them
Каждый человек уникален.

За много лет консультаций я сталкивалась с огромным количеством сложных ситуаций, которые требовали нестандартных решений.

Мы их решили
— I will help you to end a long-term conflict with yourself, remove inner emptiness and uncertainty

— I will help you get out of depression, fear of loneliness and teach you how to stop lying to yourself

- I will show you how to stop suffering, being afraid and proving to people your right to live among them

— I will teach you how to manage your feelings and emotions, and enter the states you need

— I will help you to determine new goals and ways to achieve them, if you are tired of suffering silently
— I will teach you to communicate with others so that they will hear and understand you

— I will teach you to build up relationships which you will be pleased with and in wich you will feel comfortable and calm

— I will analyze the mechanisms that prevent you from achieving your goals and dreams, building a career or your own business

— Together we will analyze the causes of your poor health, insomnia, headache and other ailments

— I will help you to improve your life and get closer to happiness
you can improve your life here
Requests that the clients come to me with
I don't accept myself. I'm not sure of myself. Something is wrong with me
Я не принимаю себя.
Я не уверен в себе.
Я какой-то не такой.
Со мной что-то не так
— I am not able to tell people "no"

— I have low self-esteem

— I don't accept my body and my character. I don't like the kind of person I've become

— I can't do anything, there are only crises in my life, I can't realize, understand, accept and overcome them

— I am very dependent on other people's opinions, assessments and feelings. Everybody manipulates me

Complicated emotional state and feelings
— I constantly feel despair, resentment, guilt or shame

— All my life consists of stress and overstrain

— I have a lot of fears and phobias that do not allow me to relax and live a normal life. I'm tired of being afraid

— I feel apathy, depression, anxiety all the time

— I can't get out of depression, I'm too lazy, I procrastinate before every action

— I'm not in the resource all the time, I don't have enough energy for anything

Inner conflicts
— Lack of motivation, goals and meanings: I don't know why I live and what I want. Basically, I don't want anything

—I'm afraid to make difficult decisions

— I need to move to another city or country, but I'm afraid

— There are many repetitive negative situations in my life

— I can't separate from my parents, grow up and maintain good relations with them

— I am very dependent on my emotions and feelings

— I have now or I have always had problems in my sexual life

I also work with those who were raped, who suffered from domestic violence and physical or emotional incests
Family and couple relationships
— I blame myself for my parents ' problems, I take responsibility for their lives, I am a parent for my parents

— I often quarrel with my parents, my parents quarrel with my husband/wife

— I'm lonely, but I can't build a relationship

— I always suffer from any breakup, I am afraid of divorce or separation

—I suffer from constant betrayals and unfaithfulness in relationships, but I can't finish them

— I depend on my partner, I lose my own self. Dissolution in a partner is very exhausting for me, but I can't live without a relationship

— I do everything for my partner, and he does not appreciate it. I am dissatisfied with the relationship, we often quarrel

—Separation or loss of relatives and friends

Work and career
— I don’t like my job, but I'm not ready to quit

— I am afraid of talking to my superiors about problems or tasks, and even more to ask for salary increase or promotion

— I can't adapt to a new place of work

— I'm afraid to open my mouth at meetings, presentations, and especially on stage

— I can't find common language with the team, they don't take me into account, or they envy me

— I am a boss, but my subordinates do not obey

— I am constantly in debts, I borrow money to pay off another debt. I can't break this circle

— I don't know how to manage money, I spend everything at once

— I'm constantly worried about money

— I make spontaneous decisions about purchasing, and then I regret

— I am financially dependent on my partner and I can't break off the relationship

— I don't even have basic ideas about financial literacy

Finance. Material well-being
Body and health problems
— I don't accept my body, and my body doesn't accept me

— I can't lose weight in any way, all diets end at night at the refrigerator

— I wake up already tired, if I sleep at all. I Suffers insomnia and obsessive thoughts before going to bed

— I have panic attacks, I have a constant headache, my blood pressure and pulse jump, I suffocate at the slightest excitement

— I turn up to have a serious illness, I can't accept my diagnosis and start acting. I don't know where to find the strength to recover

— Problems with pregnancy. I can't get pregnant, I can't keep it

— I don't enjoy sex, as if I don't feel my body

I am often approached after the so-called "shamanic" rituals and ceremonies with "special substances — ayahuasca and other creepers, cacti, mushrooms, etc.

Such clients, in addition to general problems, complain about the loss of connection with reality or with themselves. Whatever it means, we are reestablishing this connection

The following requests are also quite popular:
— I have the evil eye, lovespell, curse… help me please
— I can't cope with my own or family karma

Fortunately, modern practical psychology can successfully work even with such requests

Specific requests
Children and teenagers
I don't work with children and teenagers under 16

We have a wonderful specialist in our team — Alexander Zudin.

He is a good professional and perfectly finds a common language with teenagers

I want to remind you that the family is a system, so if you have some problems, you need to work with all its elements

If you have lost understanding with your children, come we will help you to find a solution.

Чтобы наладить их работу изнутри мало избавиться от собственных зажимов и проблем или читать историю успехов.

Для этого нужно выстроить свою позицию, роль и реализовать свою функцию — коммуникацию, иерархию, определить роли и задачи, делегировать и донести все это до остальных участников системы.
Работа со сложными системами
Семья, семейная компания, корпорация, общественная организация или творческий коллектив — это системы.
Business consultations
requests I work with:
I know from my own experience what tasks, problems, difficult choices and decisions a business owner or manager may face (we all went through 2014,2018, 2020-21)

My company has operated for more than 15 years, since 2006, we carry out projects of various scales on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. I think my experience can be useful for you

—I want to move from hiring to business, but I'm afraid of responsibility, making a mistake, and losing everything

— I can’t create an effective team and develop an adequate management system

— I have a family business, we constantly quarrel, we owe money to each other, family relations are collapsing, and the business doesn’t develop

— I'm afraid to scale, it's difficult for me to delegate important tasks and trust partners

— I understand that it's time to build a personal brand, but I'm afraid of publicity and speaking on camera

— I know that it's time to close the business, but I treat it like a child or a part of myself and I can't close it

I work with people worldwide
In my work, I take into account their mentality and cultural features.
I have spent a significant part of my life working and studying with people from different countries, so I know a lot about the nuances of adaptation in a foreign company or a foreign country.

Most often I work with English-speaking foreigners, but I have a successful experience working together with a translator, if your language is not English
Consultation format
The consultation is held in Skype or Whatsapp.
— You will receive qualified assistance from anywhere in the world

— You will Save time on commuting and finding a parking place

— You can lie down and relax as much as you need if you are at home

Some people prefer to work face to face. This format has no different in efficiency from a skype session

I consult twice a week in my office not far from Tverskaya Metro Station. You need to make an appointment, at least 2 weeks in advance
is kept during and after consultations
Complete confidentiality
Everything that we will talk about will remain between us, the documents will be destroyed after the end of the work and after the expiration of the storage period.

If you are an official, work in special structures or are a media person, all records can be destroyed at the end of the session or given to you
We sign the contract and confidentiality is guaranteed thereby
The fee of consultations
Стратегическая консультация 2 часа
Разберем вашу проблему, наметим простой и понятный план решения. Я расскажу как будет строиться наша работа и с помощью каких инструментов. Подберем оптимальную схему взаимодействия, которой вы можете следовать в комфортном для вас режиме
На русском:
На английском:
30 000 рублей
400 евро
Психотерапия любой сферы жизни
Консультация 1,5 часа
На консультациях мы находим источник тех проблем, с которыми вы пришли на прием, и начинаем работу. Сколько потребуется времени на решение сильно зависит от того, что мы с вами обнаружим. Редко это больше 5−6 сессий.
На русском:
На английском:
25 000 рублей
360 евро
Быстрое решение
Консультация 4 часа
На консультации мы берем конкретный запрос и решаем его в течение сессии. Чаще всего одной встречи хватает чтобы полностью проработать запрос
На русском:
На английском:
70 000 рублей
900 евро
Блок консультаций на месяц
Придем к значительным изменениям за месяц.
На русском:
На английском:
120 000 рублей
1 700 евро
6 месяцев личного сопровождения
Периодичность сессий, их длительность
и количество мы вместе определим на первой диагностической встрече. Не менее 4 встреч по 2 часа в месяц.
На русском:
На английском:
900 000 рублей
12 900 евро
  • 4 консультации в месяц
  • 2 экстренных звонка в месяц до 30 минут, без ожидания сессии
  • Сопровождение в чате — до 5 вопросов
в день
Помогу успешным стать счастливыми
The cost of trainings and seminars

обсуждается индивидуально.
Возможно проведение на английском и на русском языке
Training programs
SCHOOL for Practical Psychology "Norma"
We will bring you to the physical and psychological norm.
the specialist’s Education and certificates
Согласно требованиям, предъявляемым к моей профессии, я прохожу личную терапию и регулярные супервизии случаев из своей психотерапевтической, психологической и коучинговой практики, участвую в конференциях и семинарах, постоянно повышаю квалификацию.
If you want to make an appointment, leave a application

Our administrator will help you to choose an appropriate time

If you want to tackle with a problem by yourself

— download our APP For the self - diagnostic

— and take our educational program
And remember – there is no unresolvable problems – we can find a way out
Apply for the consultation, we will look for it together
Psychological project "Norma" under the leadership of O. V. Lekontsev
8-800 - 600- 42-55
Москва, Глинищевский пер, 6
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